Where to go for Help & Advice
#onlyhumanWorried about your wellbeing?
- Use self-care resources on MTW intranet
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for 24/7 support including counselling for psychological and practical life concerns for you and your family. Contact EAP via http://www.healthassuredeap.co.uk/ - username, password, and further details can be found in leaflets located in the education centres.
Experiencing ongoing or higher levels of distress?
- Speak to friends, peers, chaplaincy, GP or a professional
- Self-refer to our Psychological Staff Support Team -https://forms.office.com/r/vmMU2CmmHc
- Contact our Chaplaincy Team
- Self-refer to the Occupational Health team via the G2 Portal https://mtw.opasg2.com/selfreferral or request a management referral from your manager. The manager will need an account to do this. They can contact mtw-tr.opasg2@nhs.net to set this up.
- Call your GP to talk through your situation and next steps
- EAP website can be accessed through https://wisdom.healthassured.org/login (access code is MHA069035).
- Access to Work Mental Health Support Service now called Maximus - https://www.maximusuk.co.uk/
Have a pre-existing mental health problem and think you may be relapsing?
- Revisit self-care advice and resources
- Use self-care resources on the MTW intranet
- Contact your GP
- If you’re under a mental health team, arrange a review
- Self-refer or ask your manager for an Occupational Health referral
- Self-refer to our Occupational Health Psychological Team. Email mtw-tr.psychologicaloh@nhs.net
- Contact EAP via www.healthassuredeap.co.uk - username and password available on request from the Education Centre
- Call the National Wellbeing Support Line on 0800 069 6222
- Call Access to Work Mental Health Support Service 0300 456 8114. Visit www.remploy.co.uk
Worried about your coping responses, increased alcohol use, smoking?
- Revisit self-care advice and resources
- Use self-care resources on MTW intranet for local drug/alcohol and smoking cessation services
- Worried about your own or someone else’s drinking? Call Drinkline, the national free and confidential alcohol helpline on 0300 123 1110
- Talk to your GP
- Contact EAP via https://wisdom.healthassured.org/login (access code is MHA069035).
- Self-refer or ask your manager for an Occupational Health referral
Concerned you are developing signs of a mental health problem?
Get informed and mobilise support
- Get more information - check out Rethink, MIND and Royal College of Psychiatrists
- See your GP
- Self-refer or ask your manager for an Occupational Health referral on 01892 633232 or 01622 224324. Email: mtwtr.occupationalhealth@nhs.net
- Self-refer to your local psychological therapies service (IAPT) at www.nhs.uk
- Call National Wellbeing Support Line on 0800 069 6222 (open 7 days a week)
- Contact EAP on 0800 028 0199 or visit: www.healthassuredeap.co.uk – username Maidstone, password Tunbridge
Experiencing a mental health crisis but you know you can keep yourself safe?
Tell someone – family, friend, work colleague, professional
- If you are under a mental health team – call them
- Self-refer or ask your manager for an Occupational Health referral on 01892 633232 or 01622 224324. Email: mtwtr.occupationalhealth@nhs.net
- Get 24/7 help from a team of crisis volunteers at Shout. Visit: www.giveusashout.org or text ‘Shout’ to 85258
- Call the Samaritans anytime on 116123
- Call the Urgent Mental Health Helpline on 0800 783 9111, 24/7 service. www.kmpt.nhs.uk/need-help
- Mental Health Matters (24/7) on 0800 107 0160
- The Listening Place provide counselling and support for severe distress and suicidal thoughts on 020 3906 7676. www.listeningplace.org.uk
Experiencing a mental health crisis and feel you can’t keep yourself safe?
If you’re at home, ring 999: Tell someone – family or friend to support you to get help
If you’re at work, tell someone. Attend psychiatry liaison team in A&E for immediate support or call A&E Psychiatric Liaison Team pager via the switchboard
If you’re waiting for support or feel unsure what to do:
– Call the Samaritans anytime on 116123 or text ‘Shout’ to 85258
– Call the Single Point of Access service on 0800 783 9111, 24/7 service. www.kmpt.nhs.uk/need-help
– Mental Health Matters (24/7) on 0800 107 0160
– Always go to A&E in an emergency